Freedom of service with the United Kingdom

Reporting of UK registered vehicles

We automatically send full and complete information to the UK Motor Authorities (MIB) on all the policies for UK registered vehicles insured by Liberty Seguros in Spain.

This information includes the following details:

  • Free choice of vehicle repair shop.
  • The Policy number
  • The name of the policyholder
  • The full address of the policyholder
  • The Registration number of the vehicle
  • The make and model of the vehicle
  • The effective date of cover
  • The renewal date of the policy.
  • The names and dates of birth of all the drivers named on the policy.

Updated information on changes to existing policies, or the issue of new policies will continue to be sent to the MIB by Liberty Seguros, at least twice a week, and in the very near future, possibly more often.

Once the MIB receives this information, it automatically goes into their Data base, and once there, the UK Police Force will have automatic access to it. The police can then immediately see that our clients have valid insurance, and they will not be prosecuted, nor have their vehicles seized and impounded for not having valid insurance.

Advantages for our clients

  • The UK police force and the Authorities have proof of valid insurance.
  • Clients will not be taken to court for lack of insurance.
  • Clients driving in the UK will not have their vehicles impounded for lack of insurance.
  • The MIB Helpline has been given Liberty Seguros´ Expatriate telephone number 902 100070, so that if they get a call from the police, the Helpline will phone our dept. and we can confirm if valid insurance is in place for a particular vehicle.

Other advantages for our clients

They can check if the Authorities are aware their vehicle is insured by consulting website: You only have to put in the registration number and tick the box where it confirms that the car belongs to you:


 and you will get a reply confirming that your registration is in the MIB

  •  Motor vehicle taxes can now be paid on-line. The website to do so is:

Liberty Seguros must continue to fulfil its legal obligations by supplying correct information to the UK Authorities, and we would therefore like to stress the absolute necessity to issue policies showing CORRECT REGISTRATION NUMBERS, and CORRECT COUNTRY CODES.

Please note that most errors come from using the letter "O" instead of the number zero, or the letter "I" instead of the number one (or vice versa), and of course, when the client changes the vehicle to Spanish plates, A TOTALLY NEW POLICY MUST BE ISSUED.

VERY IMPORTANT: if the registration number is Spanish, the country must show as SPAIN, even though the car has been imported from the UK.

Guernsey and Jersey

Due to new tax legislation on these islands, Liberty Seguros will no longer issue new policies for vehicles with number plates from Guernsey and Jersey. Cancellation letters will also be sent in the very near future to those of our clients, whose cars we are presently insuring.